September 11, 2010
Denver, Colorado
Preliminary - Revised - Adopted from
the original document signed July 4, 1776 at the Second Continental
Signed by Representatives
of the Thirteen Original Colonies of the United States of America.
Prepared by Kathleen
Rosewater Cunningham, CPA (inactive.)
Declaration of Independence
When in the course of human
events, it becomes necessary for the benefit of the greater good,
"Dissolve the political system which oppresses the people it is
meant to govern!!!"
That due to this disregard
of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God and the Powers of Earth,
Equality among individuals has suffered. It is with respect to the
current system of government and to the opinions of my siblings and
family, that this Declaration state the causes for which the Federal
Government should be separated from its citizenry. At this time the
world is in need of religious reform and tax reform, of political
reform and racial and ethnic harmony and of gender equality.
It is further stated that
state and local government and corporations and organizations are so
entwined with our
social experiment
in "Democracy"
that a parallel government must now be established during the
take-over of the current corrupted political system.
We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that
all men and women are created equal in certain inalienable rights.
Americans have
been given the privilege to vote; each vote should be counted equally
and cast responsibly. Every individual deserves respect and
government was designed to serve as caretaker and servant to those
governed. That to secure these Rights, governments are instituted
deriving their powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever
any form of government or familiar relationship becomes destructive
of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.
It is then given to the people to institute a new Government or
significant relationship or partnership laying a Foundation on such
principles, and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall
seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Prudence,
indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be
changed for light or transient causes; and accordingly all experience
has shown that people will suffer Evil as long as Evil is sufferable,
rather than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they
are accustomed. That the wrongful seizure or exercise of authority or
privilege belonging to another has currently led to a long train of
abuses, separating families over sex, drugs, and incarceration,
endless war and endless poverty.
That while both the governed
and those that govern may have equal desires and pursuing invariably
the same object, a government,
religion, family or other significant relationship
which exhibits a design to gain control of those governed under
absolute authority must be taken down. It is the right of the people;
it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide new
guards for their future security. Such has been the patient
sufferance of the people of the United States and of our enemies and
of our allies; and such is now the necessity which constrains
us to alter
our current
system of government. The history of the current United States
Federal Government mirrors the history of the King of Great Britain,
1776, and is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, the
wrongful seizures of property, and lack of oversight, all having in
direct object the establishment of an absolute ruling class of
corruptible individuals. The history of Republicans and the Democrats
is a
history of repeated injuries and abuses all leading to gender and
racial bias and a disparity between rich and poor. It has led us to a
place to where the dollar isn't worth a dime and anyone can be
touched by homelessness, hopelessness and loneliness.
To prove this, that the
following facts be submitted to a candid world:
The Federal Government has
refused to enforce our Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the
public good or to repeal laws of no benefit to the greatest number of
The Federal Government has
passed legislation in direct opposition to public mandates;
government officials are notorious for breaking campaign promises,
having scandalous
affairs and behaving badly.
The Federal Government has
ignored the foundation of Democracy - One Person,
The Electoral College has
failed to provide leaders that address issues with the urgency needed
and should be abolished.
The Federal Government has
ignored the Popular
and Americans have suffered injustice. They have caused a
dysfunctional two-party
system where the silent majority remains unrepresented.
Current legislation has
failed to resolve the problems we as Americans face today.
The President has forbidden
his Governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance and
suspended enforcement of laws contrary to its own benefit, and when
so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them timely. He
has caused laws to be lengthy and complicated.
Each new law enacted or
accepted as revised should clearly state in two
pages or less, purpose and funding. Laws should reflect the society
it is intended to protect and assist. Politicians and deal-makers
have sold our souls. Let us stop the divisionism of party politics,
write a new Constitution, build a new foundation on public-private
enterprise, free pot and free projects paid for by advertisers,
honest advertisers. I for one am tired of people's pet projects and
pork spending. I am tired of governmental regulations and the Drug
War funded but not winnable. New housing laws ending homelessness,
affordable health care and mental well-being, full/continuing,
affordable education, good jobs, good relationships, solar, wind and
other renewable energies, and the end of poverty, racism and sexism
are great goals we can live with.
We need change.
We need social change. We
need a new Constitution. We need to stop income taxes and the IRS. I
am tired of the Tax Man living fat on my thin dime. We need fair
sales taxes. American needs a value added tax added to a
production/cost tax,
full health
a thirty-five hour work week and 6 week vacation benefit and
retirement planning should be for all Americans not just Executives.
We need to go Metric and zero out decimal points and eliminate cents
in monetary transactions - making balancing bank statements easier,
eliminating many costly accounting mistakes and lowering professional
accounting fees. Stop minting coins except perhaps the fifty- cent
piece. We need to standardize parts on vehicles and equipment and use
metric tools and make use of robots to improve safety and quality of
life. We want equal pay for equal work. Laissez-faire attitudes
towards women's issues, corporate culture, political practices,
lobbying, the Drug War, shame Americans.
has refused to pass laws for the accommodation of large districts of
people, denying the right of representation in the Legislature, a
right inestimable to them and formidable to the wealthy and powerful,
and the greedy and the corrupt. The mortgage crisis, homelessness,
the bank bail-out and bonus rip off, the sale to Americans of
inadequate health insurance vs. proper health care, the sale of
obsolete technology - gas guzzling cars and equipment all demonstrate
lack of oversight.
No one knows
how many people want and need to be working in jobs that can provide
for themselves and/or their families.
The President has called
together legislative bodies at places and times uncomfortable for the
sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
The Legislature
cannot resolve basic issues.
Year after year they deal with the same volatile issues, finding no
Federal spending is out of
control and too many people are out of work.
American presidents
been guilty of invasions on the rights of the people.
Our presidents
guilty of manipulation with respect to elections and the Electoral
College. The Democrats and the Republicans have divided this nation
into a two-party, bi-partisan, sexually
and religiously
ignorant country. We have evolved into a country where sex is not
properly taught and respect is not a key element of the education. We
have retained a dual standard for men and women with sour
consequences. Unplanned pregnancies, drug-use, date-rape, spousal
rape, gang rape and other forms of abuse and violence are not
acceptable and shall not be tolerated.
The Federal Government has
refused to sufficiently address the problem of immigration, the State
remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers from invasion
from without, and convulsions within.
The Federal Government has
endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that
purpose obstructing the Laws of Naturalization of foreigners;
refusing to pass others to encourage their migration to the United
States and achieving the American Dream of freedom of speech, freedom
of religion, freedom of peaceable assemble and freedom to petition
the government for redress of grievances not just home ownership, a
job and food on the table.
Americans suffer from lack
of clean air and clean water, lack of sustainable energies and
worth-while occupations.
The Government
has failed
refusing to fund adequate
job creation,
adequate health care andadequate
mental health
The bailout of Main
Street needs to occur immediately.
The Government
has made judges dependent on the Government
for the
amount and payment of the salaries. Voting for Electors
and Judges
are often irrational as candidates are not always known to those who
elect them;
leading to detrimental outcomes for society.
The Government
has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of
officers to harass our people and eat out our substance. Our children
have been ravaged in the savagery of war.
The Government
has kept spies among us and maintained the country at war to obstruct
justice to that end and repealed the writ of habeas corpus.
The Government
has effected to render the military independent of and superior to
the civil power.
Abolish the "Sacred"
for suspending government of the people.
President has chosen to war against our own and deny freedom of
speech and
has given us false information and outlandish propaganda.
The Federal
has caused the nation to be at war over oil for the benefit of a
limited number
of individuals. American Oil
profit and shady dealings have lead to continuous and bloody war in
Iraq and
War is looming in Iran. We as Americans are guilty of breaking
treaties and conventions and are fair game for retribution.
Two allows
guns for a "Militia" not for civilians, not for criminals,
not for the local police.
We need to combine
Time, Nature and Man have
caused our seas to be polluted
and our lands
to be barren .Population
growth needs to be checked.
Worldwide poverty is stoppable if we learn to share the Earth with
our neighbors.
Mortgage Bankers have
destroyed the lives of the people and we have a housing crisis. We
have been robbed of our homes and of the fruits of our labor.
The Government
is at this time
most likely transporting
large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death,
desolation and destruction, already begun with circumstances of
cruelty, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally
unworthy of a civilized nation.
The agencies that protect us to form interstate militias.
Americans need fair pay for
safe labor, safe food and the chance not to live in poverty.
The sexes need a new respect
and working relationship for America and the world to move forward in
Human Rights and Equality for Women and protection of minors under
the age of 25.
That means:
Voting, driving, military service, no alcohol, no tobacco.
The age at which a minor is responsible is age 25, not 21. New
technology proves that the brain does not fully develop until age 25.
Pregnancy is not always
avoidable. To
wit, abortion is an individual choice not to be taken lightly. Sex
education of young and old, restriction of alcohol age
25, planned
parent-hood, counseling, adoption and other options. In an age where
rape has shown to be not preventable, it is time to show compassion
and assist the victims. Therapy and treatment for traumatic
experiences needs to be wide-spread to help victims deal with grief
and rage.
Let us
suggest men use condoms or out of body sexual and spiritual contact
to prevent pregnancies and STD's and create intimacy and responsible
Women that have been raped
have too often discarded by family and society too often turns to
prostitution and lesbian relationships. Young men, abused as
children, sell themselves to survive.
Too often young homosexual men are not secure in their own sexuality
and are abused by family members or bullied at school.
Federal, State and Local
governments have obstructed the Administration of Justice by failure
to prosecute rapists and child molesters, pornographers and
prostitution. Universities and the military foster the abuse of and
discrimination against women. Violence against women cannot be
tolerated. Violence in movies and television spawn Copy Cat crimes.
Our schools are guilty of
failure to provide sex education and failure to provide music
education and art education. Our school's failure to graduate 100% of
high school students is shameful.
is responsible
for unnecessary hardship of American citizens through their own
neglect and failure of oversight.
The Federal Government is
not responsible for our children's education, we are!
America still has a
terrible homeless problem, among them homeless veterans and families
put out of their homes with no work. Our war veterans are being
treated shamefully, often losing their families after serving in the
There is no equality in
America. Women are too often seen as possessions. Women
are not slaves, second-class citizens, property, and trophies.
Americans want jobs and the
things money can buy
that include teenagers.
We are weighed down by taxes and mismanagement of funds; the IRS
usually goes after the little guy not the corrupt corporations that
hire Tax Accountants to avoid paying their fair share. Corporations
incorporate in Delaware and keep bank accounts overseas to avoid
Children need guaranteed
health care, women need pre-natal care. We all deserve free breakfast
and honest, safe work that pays a living wage and
a chance for
lifetime worthiness.
We all need proper
nutrition; we all need counseling and therapy; we all need good
government. We deserve good government. We do not need a
Bush-Clinton-Obama dynasty,
the Kennedy dynasty was enough.
We do not deserve career politicians afraid to see justice served.
We have created chaos by allowing our state constitutions to be
altered yearly. We need standardized state constitutions and basic,
easy readable and understandable laws to guide us; common law,
criminal law, family law, contract law. Our constitution should be a
finite document. New laws should fall under specific branches of law
that address specific issues.
Expensive end of life care
should be replace by hospice care, home care or assisted living,
a seat by the
Ocean, an endless cruise, a place in town with regular visitors,
shared meals and
Americans need to learn
moderation. We should also be alive on New Year's Day after a night
of celebrating on New Year's Eve.
We should be proud to
pledge our allegiance. To the Flag of a Country of citizens united by
a common cause for the common good.
It is a rare gift.
The Government
has created chaos and has sided with bankers and Wall Street and not
Main Street.
We are all victims, we need
to be less judgmental of each other and of our past, to be more
forgiving and more understanding and more helpful of each other.
To declare the "Government"
corrupt, and neglectful, and to tell the truth, is to risk being
Governmental policies are
responsible for outsourcing jobs without providing training and jobs,
a hot meal and shelter to all Americans. Freedoms which we as
Americans hold dearly and fight for fiercely.
Government officials and
contractors, lobbyists and military are currently using the services
of prostitutes at taxpayer expense. They have failed to recognize the
value of legalization and oversight of sex workers and sex as a need
of all individuals. The failure to regulate and control prostitution
has lead to high rates of sexually transmitted disease and human
rights violations. The failure to pass Equal Rights Legislation has
resulted in the failure to protect women and children.
I have an American Dream
where women and children are protected and men take their
responsibility seriously. The strong should protect the weak and not
abuse those less able. I am tired of governmental sex scandals. I
am tired of military personnel and governmental employees watching
pornography and protecting pornographers under First Amendment
I have a dream that we as
Americans can live as one people, united!
The Government
has failed to enforce its own laws equally
and is guilty of fostering discrimination in hiring and traditionally
pays women and minorities less in salaries. Male attitudes have
forced women into poverty and prostitution.
The Government
has failed to pass laws for the benefit of the public good
and fund necessary works projects.
The Government
is too big and is bankrupting its citizens.
Career politicians are the Carpetbaggers of today.
The Government
has failed to legalize marijuana for the benefit of the people.
The Government
has taxed us unfairly and sold us pills instead of pot,
Our Doctors have give our
Ritalin instead of taking them
off of sugar
and poor
quality food; instead of
making sure they have adequate nutrition and safe home lives;
that our children laugh and sing.
Our Doctors are
threatened by the Federal Government and afraid to lose their
licenses should they prescribe medical marijuana.
Our Doctors are not
involved in the well-being of their patients due to reimburse
schedules of insurance companies, middlemen. Why are we paying
Middlemen? Why are we paying the Federal Reserve interest to print
money? Don't we know how to print money? We know how to mint
coins. Why are we still minting coins? Why are we still using paper
money? Why do we still have so much junk mail? Why don't people
stay home when it snows? Why don't people stay home when their sick?
Are flu shots necessary or just another scheme to get you to give
your money to someone else? Why don't we just cancel Christmas and
Christmas presents and overspending and celebrate the life of a man
who only wanted us to be bountiful and grateful to God. Why are
Americans so bold as not to respect other American's religious
beliefs, a first amendment rights?
The Government is guilty
Failure to recognize the
health benefits of marijuana
Separating families unfairly
by keeping marijuana illegal to protect a century old battle over the
cheap production of hemp
Keeping inflated prices on
Favoring one industry
over another
Creating monopolies
Maintaining Black Market
Causing segments of the
to deal with
drug dealers, pimps and sex perverts
Ignoring the will of a large
segment of the population
Judging people righteously
Taxing Americans unjustly
Encouraging alcohol and
tobacco use and addiction
Encouraging the use of Hard
Drugs by not legalizing the use of marijuana for recreational use
Encouraging violence by
allowing continued abuse of alcohol
Loss of tax revenues that
could be used to restructure the Health Care System
through marijuana taxation
Loss of jobs through
their failure to cultivate marijuana as a cash crop
Encouraging suicide through
by allowing continued use of alcohol
Encouraging suicide by
allowing bullying to exist in schools, sports, military
and the workplace
Allowing prejudice against
homosexuals to exist
Loss of opportunity to
foster creativity
Supporting the War on Drugs.
Schools are guilty of not
preventing our children from underage drinking. Abuse of alcohol by
college students has lead to rape, suicide and death. Girls often
drop out of college when pregnant.
Failure to prevent drinking
and driving, and driving distracted and the consequences, instead of
providing solutions such as:
All night transportation
provided at no cost to all local counties.
Hop on the double decker bus
w/ a hundred bottles of beer on the wall.
Zero tolerance for any
alcohol beverage consumption and adequate technology to prevent
operation of heavy equipment-
I.e. motor vehicles-cars,
buses, boats, planes, motorcycles, trains, etc.
Provide luxury cars on
railroads for travel pleasure, with 4-Star restaurants and smoking
lounges and stops along the way and American railroad travel passes
at reasonable rates.
Failure to train Americans
for needed jobs and occupations.
Provide adequate mental
health assessments and therapy.
Provide music in schools.
Failure to appease angry
Failure to stop alcohol and
Failure to stop a drunken
society from destroying itself.
We are a Nation of bias
individuals too often motivated by Greed or Race.
People should not be allowed
to be verbally abusive or be able to use foul language in public.
Pornography comes with a high price. Freedom is not free.
The government has failed us
in firearms, tobacco and alcohol regulation and enforcement.
The foundation of the family
in America is weak due to governmental regulations and unequal
enforcement of those regulations
Pornography and gender
bigotry have led to the decline of society and infested our
institutions and culture. Drugs have ravaged an addicted society and
we are left weak and vulnerable.
People are judgmental and
don't hold themselves to the same standards as they hold others.
Labeling and foul language,
sex and violence are reflected in the world in which we live, it is
present in our families, in our schools and in our communities.ara
People do not treat each
other as they would like to be treated. .
Move Federal Headquarters to
New York City and use teleconferencing instead of taxing Americans
for travel and protection of a few select individuals.
Americans are best served by
those who would protect us from corrupted authority and bullies;
protect us from those who foul the air with their freedoms and need
to be curtailed.
We need to maintain DNA
records and up to date health records to protect ourselves and to
keep track of our ancestry. We deserve to live and die with dignity.
We deserve to know our Roots.
The Financial Crisis is
evidence that we need Wall Street reform. It is evidence that the
government works against the American people with a mind of its own.
Healthy competition among
states and no unhealthy rivalries need to be established and
supported. Travel within the United States needs to be improved
drastically and can be achieved thru public private partnerships.
Travel benefits for all Americans and not just the select few that
are simply self-serving should be established as a constitutional
right for all Americans.
The Federal Government has
refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to
be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of
Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their
exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the
dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
The Federal Government has
endeavored to prevent the population of our
States; for
that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners;
refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and
raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
They have obstructed the
Administration of Justice, by refusing to
establish laws of equal justice.
Our Founding Fathers
legacy has made Supreme Court Judges
dependent on
presidents for
to office
and play a game of political upper handedness.
They have erected a
multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to
harass our people, and eat out their substance.
Our children have been ravaged in the savagery of war.
They have allowed undeclared
wars, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our
They have affected to render
the Military independent of and superior to the civil power. All in
the name of Democracy!
They have has combined with
others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution,
and unacknowledged by our laws; giving their Assent to their Acts of
pretended Legislation.
The political polices of
our presidents are responsible:
For quartering large bodies
of armed troops among us;
For protecting them, by a
mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit
on the Inhabitants of these States;
For cutting off our Trade
with all parts of the world;
For imposing Taxes on us
without our Consent;
For depriving us in many
cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury;
For transporting political
prisoners beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
For abolishing the free
System of English Laws in a neighboring Countries, establishing
therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging Boundaries so as to
render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the
same absolute rule in our southern
For taking away our
Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, Treaties and
Conventions, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments,
i.e. the Village Green, grandstanding on soap boxes, use of stocks
for punishment. Community halls, the local pub family atmosphere in
bars, the local newspaper, weekly church attendance and the local cop
on the beat and the family doctor.
For adulterating freedom
of speech, and freedom of religion "Try the Bastards!!!"
For overriding the popular
vote and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us
in all cases whatsoever;
For Failure of Due Diligence
in responsibility; and for or failure to acknowledge that there is
little democracy in America; only Democrats and Republicans and Men
get to be president
They have abdicated
Government here, by declaring us out of their Protection and waging
War against Immigrants.
Their actions have plundered
our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the
lives of our people.
The Military
is at this
time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to complete the
works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with
circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the
most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of a civilized nation.
Government has constrained
our fellow Citizens taken Captive to bear Arms against our former
Allies, to become the executioners of our friends and Brethren, or to
fall themselves by their Hands; all in the name of Democracy.
American Foreign Policy is
responsible for domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored
to bring on the inhabitants of Mexico and Columbia, the merciless
Drug Lords, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished
destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
In every stage of this
Oppression, we have petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms:
Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.
Presidents, whose characters
are thus
marked by every act which may define Tyrants, are unfit to be the
rulers of a free people.
Nor have we been wanting in
attentions to our Washington
D.C. brethren.
We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their
legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have
reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement
here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and
we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow
these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections
and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice
and of sanity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity hold
our government liable.
Let us separate,
and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in
Peace Friends. We the undersigned stand fast as a nation of
individuals with equal rights. We as a people believe in “One
person, one vote."
We believe in Equality for All!
We, therefore, the
Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress,
Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the
rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the
good People, solemnly publish and declare, That these United States
are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that we
are Absolved
from all Allegiance to the Greedy Bureaucrats, Lobbyists, and other
Fat Cats; and that all political connection between them and the
people of these United States, is and ought to be totally dissolved;
and that as Free and Independent States, united we have full Power to
hire, train
and maintain a state militia,
conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all
other Acts and Things which Independent States, and free people may
of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm
reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge
to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
Kathleen Rosewater
720 16th Street
Apt. 317
Denver, C0 80202
(303) 623- 0790...
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