Saturday, October 22, 2011

U S Presidency Candidacy Announcement

To Whom It May Concern,
I am pleased to announce my 2012 U.S. Presidential campaign.  My supporters know me as Kathleen Rosewater Cunningham, CPA, (retired) .  In an attempt to run a clean campaign with no mudslinging, I will admit to being a rebellious member of the Rock and Roll Generation and hope that you will accept me, flaws and all. For sure, I have learned from my mistakes.
The Founding Fathers of our country cautioned future generations of Americans to overturn government if corrupted by individuals.  I believe that our government has been corrupted and it is the time to take action.  The ravages that Americans have levied on others have resulted in revenge by others.  This is the terror we live with.  World violence must end.  The War Machine must be stopped.  It is time to reduce the use of oil and lessen the carbon footprint.  It is time to stop using nuclear power.  It is time to reclaim polluted waters, rivers, oceans.  It is time to repair and reuse. It is time to recycle and reinvent packaging.  It is time for America to               Go Green.  
It is time to review treaties with native peoples of America and restore to them retroactive payment and interest.  It is time to uphold the Geneva Convention and punish the Bush administration for committing atrocities of war.
It is time to end the rule of Republicans and Democrats who clearly do not represent the people of the United States.  They have failed in their duty and are so powerful that they prevent the government from operating successfully.   Before the next presidential election I would like to see the country hold a third Continental Congress and perform a job search to produce independent candidates that can restore faith in government to the American people.  Additionally, I would like to see an update and simplification of the rules that govern us and definition of role of government in our society.  It is also time to redefine the roles of men and women in society.
 I would like to see lower taxes and universal health care, change is possible.  My background is a Certified Public Accountant, Internal Auditor  and Corporate Accountant. The current government has to many Lawyers and Career politician's.

It is time to listen to the voice of the American people.
It is time for the people of  the United States to unite.
Peace in the world is possible, I am hopeful that change will come.  I am asking for your help with my campaign to bring democracy and freedom to all peoples of the world and equality to women.  I am in need of volunteers, a laptop, cash donations, an assistant and fundraisers.  I need to set up shop and I need your help.  I need office space and office equipment.  In return, I will offer stock options and profit sharing when the Rosewater Foundation opens its corporate sub-divisions.

To create jobs, I am considering starting  several new ventures, Rosewater’s Roast Beef (RRB) and Rosewater's, a fast food salad restaurant and serve free green tea.  My plan is to stimulate the economy by serving organic food  I am hopeful to end hunger in the world.  It is time to reclaim the farms, ranches, houses and jobs and lives that have been taken from us.  We have an exceptional opportunity to reap the rewards we sow. I am also considering creating a made in the USA catalogue and Internet store. 
The Rosewater Foundation will seek to set the highest of standards and to be a role model for future generations.  It is hoped that by creating a company that puts Americans back to work and people back in their homes, Rosewater’s will create loyal customers and be successful in America and worldwide.
These are just ideas in print and dreams that could be fulfilled. By creating jobs you create hope and uplift the nation.
I am asking for your help.  I am asking for volunteers and partners to start Rosewater’s Roast Beef.  I am asking you to support the Rosewater Foundation, parent organization of RRB   I need venture capital and Rock and Roll musicians to stage concerts and fundraisers.  I need comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Jay Leno to come to my aid to help me rescue the good old U.S. of A.  I believe we can take back America from banks, corporations and Wall Street.  I believe we can take back America from politicians, lobbyists, drug lords and others.  Other radical ideas include, annexing of Mexico and becoming friends with Cuba,  ending the drug war and the advancement of Democracy into South America and Worldwide.  We need to address the problem of immigration and refugees as a global problem.
It is time to restore the dream that was America.  Where there was a place where life could be better, where life could be free, where life could be happy, where violence ended, where people were one, where there was liberty, solidarity and equality.   I believe in the power of the people.  I believe in the power of WE.
Please contact me at or visit me at  
Wish me luck!
Thank You
Kathleen Rosewater Cunningham