Tuesday, October 30, 2012

To the Citizens of Denver and the Occupy Denver Movement,

16th Street Mall Redevelopment Plan Denver, Colorado
This project is submitted to create jobs in Denver Colorado and serve as a model for other cities.
It is recommended that the 16th Street Mall be turned into park and recreational space. Additionally, the park is designed to serve the community’s needs and end homelessness and poverty.
Possible sources of funding:
Colorado Lottery – the state currently sets aside Lottery funds for parks.
SCFD funding – for sculptures and other art work
Federal funding, State funding
Legalization and deregulation of marijuana
Fair cost and taxation of marijuana

Fight back against the black market and black market terrorism. Put an end to the Drug War, gangs and gang violence. End violence against women and children and forced prostitution.

Other resources:

University and school design and construction assistance
Botanical Gardens Recommendations
Corporate Sponsorships
Suggestions from citizens of all ages and allies
Concerts for Equality

To achieve project goals it is necessary to take a true inventory of vacancies and occupancy rates of commercial and residential properties.
Buses need to be moved to 15th Street and 17th Street, traveling in both directions.
Pedestrian walkways, if heated and cooled would motivate walking.
Moving sidewalks could be installed and could accommodate persons in wheelchairs and others. 
It is suggested that free bike cart rides be available and paid with advertising proceeds, with tips appreciated.
It is suggested that persons in wheelchairs be shuttled separately, but that ramps be retained on buses for baggage.
Volunteers could assist disabled citizens, or create new jobs for companions.
It is suggested that full size buses be replaced by van pools in low customer traffic destinations or time periods. Arrangements with shuttle companies could be contracted to replace need for RTD vehicles. Double-decker party buses could operate at night to prevent drinking and driving and death by car. 
It is suggested that free 2 hour and 4 hour parking replace parking meters and meter readers. Technology can be designed to automatically ticket violators after a 15-minute grace period. Free long term parking could also be provided. Sell personalized parking spaces. Create new streams of revenues, be creative.
Check government and government contract spending. Audit government funds. 
It is suggested that the park be a smoke-free zone and that smoking areas be created.
Denver needs public toilets. It is time to outlaw portable toilets. Attendants could work for tips. Toilets could be manned as school fundraisers.
Denver needs hand-washing stations. 
Denver needs a place for downtown dogs to defecate. 
Sex education and planned parenthood could be taught in the park.
To support the park, a Ferris wheel might be installed. 
To help travelers, set up a Travelers Aid station.
Students could make park benches in shop class.
To help the homeless, register and place victims in temporary and permanent housing.
Open public schools as temporary shelters. Offer free group therapy.
Open public schools as vocational training centers for adults and teenagers.
To help the poor, provide free health screenings and dental care.
Help the homeless; provide showers, lockers, storage, and clothing assistance.
The clothing depot could be staffed with volunteers that help the poor find self-esteem through fashion.
A $10 per Diem for alcohol could be funded if people could accept other people's needs.
Help those in poverty find affordable housing.
Create a job service that actually helps people find work.
The park could be used as a center to provide career counseling and access to training, jobs and relocation assistance.
Pay people $10 an hour instead of unemployment.
Pay people $10 an hour for training and let's get people back to work.
Aid job seekers using Internet job applications; provide volunteers to do actual input, review.
Maintain 24-7 cafeterias and lounges, open to anyone in the community.
A band shell could be placed in the park. A dance pavilion could be added. 
An amphitheater could host Shakespeare.

Lastly, the park security could be used to identify individuals that are potentially dangerous or mentally ill and should be removed from the community and relocated.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Rosewater Cunningham
US Presidential Candidate 2011